Beautiful pics of Amara Karan and Amazon Eve feet & legs
Amara Karan Wiki, Height, Weight and Age Measurements. Amara Karan was born on Wimbledon London United Kingdom 01 Jan 1984 and has a actual age is 36,0 months and 0 days . Amara Karan Weight 65 KG and height 1.61 meters. she is an Actress who is a part of the United Kingdom. Wimbledon London United Kingdom is the city where her birthplace is. Her primary occupation is acting. Amara Karan has become a well-known actress in recent years. The actress is British. Amara Karan isn't known as having parents. We'll update the information on her Sibling Family, Spouse and Child information soon. We currently do not have any information about Amara Karan's education or lifestyle. Amara Karan Body Measurements Amara Karan an accomplished actor and an excellent thinking person, appearance is very important. The paparazzi will follow. Amara Karan measures 42 Inch. The weight of her is 65 lbs. Black Eyes, Black Hair and Black colored eyes are among her characteristics. Amara Karan keep...